Postcard from Poprad, last four bits

MUST READ ARTICLE - Propping up the dinosaurs is a gross waste of creative capital

To read the entire article, you need to click on the link to the FT.

"We could easily have a vibrant, creative TV industry for no more than 20 per cent of the licence fee grant. Let us get back - honestly - to defining what we really need in PSB terms, and look among the hundreds of existing broadcasters for the most efficient means of providing it."

Yes I do know and have worked with Fred Perkins, Chief Executive of Information TV. However, that said, the piece is very accurate. How and why things have continued the way they have in broadcasting is something that beggar’s belief. I do have a view on why change has been stifled. However, that may influence your view of the piece. Therefore, for now, my views will remain with me.
Enjoy the read.

AquaCity Carbon Neutral Rally

I think pictures say more than words in this case. So enjoy the videos from the AquaCity Carbon Neutral Rally 2007