Postcard from Poprad, last four bits

HAPPY St. Patricks Day - 17 March Update

So let's start with HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY and we wish liveIreland all the very best with it's live broadcast on RTI this evening LIVE from Dublin.
Wouls someone please explain to me why spammers (that's those antisocial pillocks) send out e-mails entitled Legal Software Sale - ARE THEY STUPID OR WHAT? By the way NEVER reply to one of those e-mails. If you do they'll just send you more useless emails.
Now I won't share with business social networking group it is, but if you use such a thing(s) please be careful. Recently a number of the 'My Dearest Friend I have a load of money I want to steal from you' have been using the bizz social groups. Tell them to go away and if you are not sure about those contacting you advise the service owner(s). If we all do that they'll get bored and go somewhere else.
If you are reading this on Paddy's Day - HAVE A GREAT ONE!

AquaCity Carbon Neutral Rally

I think pictures say more than words in this case. So enjoy the videos from the AquaCity Carbon Neutral Rally 2007