Eric Wiltsher - Welcome to my Blog
On the left you'll find some history, on the right RTI, the station that won't die, and in the middle the World Of Wiltsher +++++
Postcard from Poprad, last four bits
Antidrugs Video THE DRIVE filmed in AquaCity Poprad
Shot on location in AquaCity, Poprad, Slovakia and surrounding areas. Eric Wiltsher, Harry Cole, Grace Elizabeth Leslie-Rowe and Craig Bramall lead the action. Sponsored by the Bijou Club and filmed by James Courtenay.
Poor PR outreach is damaging blogger relations
26 November 2013: The overwhelming majority of UK parent bloggers want to work with brands, but poor communications – including unethical requests – is an ongoing problem, according to the annual Tots100 Parent Blogger Benchmark Survey.
There is significant potential for PRs and brands among the UK parent blogger community, the survey of more than 1,500 bloggers found:
• 90% of UK parent bloggers want to work with brands
• 70% of bloggers are making money from their blog
• 38% publish 'sponsored' content on their sites
• 25% host advertising on their blogs
Despite clear guidance from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that paid-for blog posts have to be disclosed as such, 47% of UK parent bloggers said they had received unethical requests from a brand, SEO or PR agency in the last year.
Despite ASA guidance that paid-for blog posts have to be disclosed, 47% of blogs received unethical requests from a brand in the last year.
One blogger, Angie Booth, told Tots100: "I was asked recently to remove a disclosure statement from a blog post. When I said it had to be there and sent a link explaining why, I was offered more money to remove it for a month. I refused, and never heard from the agency again."
Another, Rachel Healy, said: "I've often been offered double my usual rate on condition that I don't disclose that I've been paid to publish the post."
Sally Whittle, founder of Tots100, said: “Asking people to do something unethical is clearly unprofessional. Working in partnership with blogs to create ethical, authentic content will ultimately build stronger, more sustainable relationships. The UK parent blogger community is a thriving and vibrant place, made up of committed writers and avid readers. Not only do they represent a great body of people for brands to connect with, they are eager to do so.”
Use of social media is high among UK parent bloggers, too.
• 87% use Twitter
• 83% use Facebook
• 57% use Pinterest
Twitter is the most widely used social network by bloggers, with 20% of bloggers having more than 3,000 followers. The new Google+ network gets mixed feedback from UK parent bloggers. Although 59% have an account, 36% of these users have no followers there.
The majority (92%) of parent bloggers are female and although that’s the label preferred by 34% of them, 29% are happy enough being called a ‘mummy blogger.’
For brands and their agencies to get the best out of working with bloggers, they need to improve the way they communicate, Sally Whittle explained. “43% of the people we spoke to get sent information that simply isn’t relevant to them, and 27% say they often feel they get stalked by PR agencies asking when they can expect to see coverage. It's time for brands to get smarter, and more targeted when they approach parent blogs.”
The Tots100 survey canvassed the opinions of more than 1,500 UK parent bloggers, asking them about working with brands, their use of social media and their experiences of PR-led blogger outreach programmes.
About Tots100
Tots100 is the UK’s largest network of UK parent bloggers, with more than 7,000 members reaching 10m readers each year. The Tots100 works with brands to devise and implement creative, engaging blog outreach campaigns.
Tots100 was created in March 2009 by former journalist Sally Whittle, who is also author of the top-rated parent blog Who's the Mummy. Sally’s blog has been named the UK’s number 1 Mummy blog for three of the past four years by Cision, and Sally was short-listed in Red Magazine’s Red Hot Women Awards in 2012. Tots100 is published by Flea Enterprises Ltd, which also publishes the Foodies100 and HIBS100 websites, and organises the MAD Blog Awards for British parent bloggers.
For Further Information:
See the Tots100 website for highlights of the 2013 Parent Blogger Benchmark Survey and connect with Tots100 on Twitter.
AM Radio on the way out in the UK?
While a radio switchover will result in the closure of AM services, which had historically been important to the Government’s protocols in this area, the diminishing value of this platform means it is increasingly less relevant as a universal communication platform.
Communications Plan indicates that the radio switchover will commence in 2016 here.
New Stream
Have a good one
Digital 2012 Olympics
- Record breaking browsers to BBC Sport online – with 55m (global) and 37m (UK) browsers to the BBC Sport site in total across the Games, and an average of 9.5m (global) and 7.1m (UK) browsers per day, easily breaking all previous records (previous record for a single day was 7.4m global and 5.7m UK)
- Video drives viewing across all online platforms – with 106m requests for BBC Olympic video content across all online platforms, more than double seen for any previous events
- First truly mobile games – with 9.2m UK mobile browsers to the BBC’s Olympics coverage, making up 34% of all daily browsers to BBC’s Olympic coverage, and 12m requests from mobiles for video throughout the Games
- Opening up the breadth of the Games via BBC Red Button – with 23.7m viewers to the 24 SD, HD and Freeview streams throughout the Games, and every single stream seeing at least 100,000 viewers
- Over a 24 hour period on the busiest Olympic days, total traffic to exceeded that for the entire BBC coverage of the FIFA World Cup 2010 (matches) – on the busiest day, the BBC delivered 2.8 petabytes, with the peak traffic moment occurring when Bradley Wiggins won Gold with over 700 Gb/s
- 1.9m download of BBC’s Olympics mobile app for iOS and Android smartphones
- 40% of browsers accessing BBC’s Olympics coverage were from a mobile at weekends (30% during the week) – averaging 34% per day
- 9.2m UK mobile browsers throughout the Games, with 2.8m UK mobile browsers on the peak day
- On TV, the BBC’s Red-Button service opened up the breadth of Olympic content to audiences with the simple press of a button.
- 23.7m people viewed the 24 live SD, HD & Freeview streams throughout the Games for at least 15 minutes
- Audiences viewed specialist sports such as Judo and Weightlifting in considerable numbers
- Every single Red Button stream received 100,000 viewers at some point during the Games
Google+, NOT NOW THANKS Look at the evidence!
In the past few days I have received so many Google+ announcements from, not people or user companies, people trying to sell services to create Google+ company pages. So before you panic why would you create a company page on Google+?
The companies sending out the emails would have you believe that G+ is the place to engage or sell to consumers. I question this and I’ll share the evidence from multi million pound companies.
If you watch the TV, apart from France which is being daft as usual, you will note blue chip companies ending adverts with the use of and Twitter hash tags. These companies have massive research and PR budgets and I would venture to say they know what they are doing. The blue chips are not engaging or selling via Google+ and my view is it has yet to be proven as a consumer commercial tool. Therefore, should you be doing anything right now?
My advice is to create a company page in basic form, just to make sure others do not steal your brand name! Then post a message on that G+ page with links to FaceBook, your blog, twitter and your website. These can be just basic links. So how much will this cost?
If you have an IT person or group, they can retain a G+ page for you – to be honest a teenager could do it such is the simplicity of the exercise. DO NOT be tempted to spend even the most modest of resources, now, on creating a G+ page as the time it takes to make one is under five minutes. Are there any exceptions to this?
In certain circumstance there could be a need for a company page on G+. I am sure there a very niche groups which will migrate to G+. If your needs fall into such a category then yes you need a G+ page with all the bells and whistles possible –remember to measure the results!
I do not think G+ has a competitor online. However, if you force me I would say the closest in LinkedIn. Therefore, if you have good consumer reaction from a page on LinkedIn then maybe you may need a G+ page – if not just do brand protection.
If on the other hand you are getting good results from FaceBook then follow the big boys and use it – be sensible about this, why would people with a lot to lose by not reaching out to their customers/clients be using Facebook if G+ was a better option?
So Here are my tips
1, Register a G+ page – it only take a minute and protects your name
2. Link the G+ page back to Facebook, twitter, Blog, Website etc
3. Make sure you are using Twitter hash tags – watch the video
N.B If you are new to this the underlined areas above link to examples for you
DO NOT get sucked into the hype people would have you believe G+ is
DO NOT get sucked into paying companies even modest budgets to create G+ pages
DO NOT forget those advertising on TV using FaceBook and Twitter know what they are doing!
I’ll keep an eye on G+ and if it does show real consumer merit – an article WILL appear here.
Revamped Blog
At last I've got around to sorting this blog. So we have put the continuing RTI on the TOP RIGHT. Those MURDERERS that failed dismally on the left and Wiltsher's World in the middle. If you scroll down a bit there are a few NEW thank yous to the good guys.
I've also added an AudioBoo player so just like the BBC you get audio on demand :-)
Check out the links to High Tatras TV and don't laugh at some of the archive pictures, damn I know you will.
There's also a link to a radioships page and I'll do my best not to leave updates for so long.
Have a nice summer

Angela Levin of the Mail is the Newspaper Highlight of 2010
Sub heading; when writing tech articles it’s always better to get the technical experts to check your copy before publication. By the way, I’m rubbish at grammar and stuff – I’m a techy and hate journos publishing miss guided articles about tech which is why I do not write stupid luvy, dovy articles about someone plopping paint on canvass and calling it art.
Now, I wouldn’t normally bother if a newspaper gets it wrong, but sometimes it grabs me somewhere and I can’t resist. I suspect the somewhere in question this time was due to so many contacting me about the article
Angela Dear, we don’t. Many millions, ask a teenager, understand that when you go to a search engine or other free service it says in the terms and conditions we can do this, that or the other. It’s a bit like the terms and conditions of buying curling tongs, a hairdryer or the disclaimer alongside a makeup advert.
“The only mystery seemed to be how, exactly, it managed to achieve revenues of more than £15 billion last year.”, asks Angela. To which I shall reply, with adverts dear, adverts.
Angela continues, “Like 190 million others, I had signed up for Google’s free service Gmail to write and receive emails.”. Angela, pet, the key thing here is FREE. Now be honest did you really read the terms and conditions? No, I guessed you didn’t
Angela explained,” This was a new development for me, replacing Microsoft Office Outlook, which was largely trouble-free but which I found cumbersome to use away from my home internet connection.” Here Angela we may have some common ground; I’m not a fan of Outlook either. However, that is due to security issues nothing to do with connection issues. WAIT A MINUTE, you are using GMAIL via a web browser and assuming everyone else is doing the same – WRONG DEAR!
People use GMAIL with non Google products such as Outlook and Thunderbird – yes unlike you they make Outlook work anywhere in the world.
Also can I suggest that if anyone is really worried about a few ads on a FREE service they should subscribe to a PAID FOR service without ads – it’s rather like the choice of watching commercial TV or the BBC. One has ads the other doesn’t.
Now to my MAJOR concern, if the readers of The Mail were to believe this totally miss-guided article they could be forgiven for thinking that Google is spying on all e-mails. Angela, don’t be silly dear. The GOOD NEWS is that whilst few will defend Google, they will come to the assistance of such companies when completely inaccurate piece are published.
Angela Dear you are so wrong on so many counts that it is slightly embarrassing even for the Mail.
Angela concludes her piece, “As for me, I am switching back to the less sophisticated Microsoft Office Outlook. I’ve come to believe that free email is worth exactly what you pay for it.”
ABSOLUTELTY SIDE SPLITTING – YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS. So when you opt for the Microsoft owned hotmail account that works with Outlook that is magically something different to Gmail?
Oh Angela Dear, please ask a passing teenager to show you how simply it is to receive your gmail e-mails with an offline reader – as I said I prefer Thunderbird. There won’t be any adverts down the side of the page.
And for any Mail readers that might pass by:
1. Outlook can be used almost anywhere and is less cumbersome to use than an oven
2. Gmail can be read on Outlook, much easier than operating a washing machine
Eric Wiltsher On Air
To those of you who have asked, this link may help answer some of your questions.
Eric Wiltsher on TV Markiza April 2010
The funny thing was I now say Slovak place names as they are said in Slovak, reverting to English/English was quite hard - mind you English was never my strong point :-) . Till next time.
BBC 6Music must not die Mark Thompson you are WRONG
NME reports
Facebook - Save 6 Music
BBC Have Your Say - they've taken the debate off the front page BUT POST
Sign A Petition
Mark Thompson is overpaid and out of touch, says Greg Dyke
Come on guys, if you really want to win - make it political!
WRITE, yes pen and paper, to your MP and ask he/she if they support the closure. Adding that you are looking for your next MP to stand in favour of 6 Music.They're all desperate for votes and if thousands write they'll need a change of underwear. And where possible find the opposition candidate and write to them with the same letter. On line petitions are great. However, if everyone on the FaceBook page wrote, to both, that would be 64,000 letters. Then post the results as well :-)
Januray 2010 Surprise visit from an MEP
So we're off with a BANG! A surprise visit from an MEP to Poprad and he agreed to an interview.
Dr, Charles Tannock MEP (picture here) was quite happy to explain the workings of the EU and confirm the staggering EU control over YOUR LAWS. Makes you wonder why more don't vote in EU elections.
There is a Podcast of the interview available and this can be found on , have a listen it's very interesting.
All the Best
Eric Wiltsher talks about Slovakia

Click here to listen to the Podcast
Thank you Mr Airbag inventor - Dateline 06 July 2009